In explaining a forensic analysis, particularly in a complex case, various visual aids are helpful. To this end, AEGI has the capability to produce:
Simulations - AEGI has several computer simulation programs. In simulations, the sequence of the accident is simulated to scale, following the laws of physics. Since most simulation programs have limited display capabilities, the parameters of the simulation are used in an animation program to give realistic presentation. At AEGI we refer to the results as a simulation because it is to scale and obeys the laws of physics.
Police Car Collision
Animation of a two car collision with synchronized perspective and overhead view.
Toyota Collision Driver View
Animation of a two car collision with synchronized perspective and overhead view.
Pontiac Quad Overlay
Computer generated vehicle overlays generated from two orthogonally placed cameras.
Pontiac Rollover Computer Graphic Simulation
Computer generated vehicle animation showing the tracking of the vehicle’s center of gravity.
Recreations/Tests - AEGI can produce court presentations, including a compilation of video of testing or re-creations of the accident, photographs, displays, simulations and animations. Video of tests can be captioned with pertinent measured parameters and labels, to emphasize important points of the test.
Stove Oil Fire Test
Video shows the progression of a stovetop oil fire. The composite video with a computer generated overlay presents numeric data (temperature and time) synchronized to the test video.
Coffee Pot Fire Recreation
This video shows the testing of a coffee maker time lapsed 10 times normal speed.
Outlet High Resistance Fault Recreation
This video demonstrates a high resistance fault occurring in a duplex outlet.
Animations - Animations are to scale, but don’t necessarily follow the laws of physics, unless it is based on a simulation or calculated data. While AEGI generally does animations based on simulations, there are times when we produce an animation. For example, we animated the motion of the internal components of a circuit breaker, demonstrating how it worked and the motion inside. There was no attempt, however, to insure that the accelerations and velocities of each component exactly matched that produced in an actual circuit breaker.
Circuit Breaker Animation
Computer graphic animation of the internal components of a circuit breaker during an over current event.
Gas Regulator Animation
Computer graphic animation of the internal components of a first stage gas regulator during normal operation.
Thermal Cut Out Animation
Animation of the internal components of a Thermal-Cut-Out during an over temperature event.
Displays - Frequently, blow-ups of photographs are all that are needed. AEGI has a color printer and laminator capable of producing high quality court boards. Other times, the actual or exemplar component, appropriately disassembled and displayed, are useful. Models are used when the actual component is unavailable or too large to bring into the court room. AEGI has developed scale models or actual component displays for seat belts, an air conditioning system, a lock set, complete vehicles and various automobile components, to name a few.
Cruise Control Device Display
Presentation display, exploded view of a cruise control deactivation switch, with radiographs and SEM micrographs.
Bullet Trajectory Display
Three dimensional humanoid model used to visualize entry and exit points.
Weld Cross- Section Display
Presentation display depicts the location where a cross sectional sample was taken along with SEM micrographs of the three welds of the sample.
Fracture Surface Display
Presentation display utilizing multiple SEM micrographs stitched together to help visualize different magnifications at different locations on a sample.
Other capabilities include aerial photography, photogrammetry and graphics.